الأربعاء، 31 مارس 2010

The Hairbrush song

The Hair brush song

-Oh! Where is my hairbrush?? Where is my hairbrush???

- Oh! Where Where  Where  Wheeeeeere is my hairbrush??

* I think I saw I saw back theeeeere a hair brush

- Back theeere is my hair brush, back theeere is my hairbrush, where back there back there back thereee,  where is my hairbrush ??

* Why do you need a hairbrush while you don't have any haiiiiiiiiiir ??

- No haiiiir for my hairbrush, No haiiiir for my hairbrush , no hair, no hair, no hair, no haiiiiiiiir , For my hairbrush

* The hairbrush of yours, well,  you never used it, you don't really need it, so well, sorry I didn't know, but I gave it to the beech ..... Because he's got hairrrrr

- Not fair, Oh! My hairbrush, not fair, my poor hair brush, not faiiiiir not faiiiiir not faiiiiiiiiiiiiiir, my hairbrush

* Thanks for the hair brush

- Take caaaaaare of my hairbrush, take caaaaare of my hairbrush, take care take care take caaaaaaaaare of my hairbrush


هناك 5 تعليقات:

Sarah Sobhi يقول...

tsada2 gamda geddddaaaaannnn :D:D

tab eh feen ba2a el tooth brush wel paint brush wel shoe brush

kolaha 7agat so3'yara we 3azeema fe 7yatna :D

Unknown يقول...

ايه الموضوع يادكتور!
معلش يعنى هى أغنية مشهورة؟
ولا ايه؟ولما مفيش شعر حيحتاج لفرشاة ليه صحيح؟!سامحنى معلش
بس فعلا ليه حيحتاج فرشاة شعر!؟



Heya oghnya seme3taha w 3agabetny el 7a2e2a

eza 3amalo 3n ay brush tanya ha2ool 3la tol :D



ازيك يا دكتوره

هى مش مشهوره لا

بس الحقيقه حلوه يعنى :)

وبعدين ماهو اتصدم ف الآخر اما قالوله انه معندوش شعر

