The Hair brush song
-Oh! Where is my hairbrush?? Where is my hairbrush???
- Oh! Where Where Where Wheeeeeere is my hairbrush??
* I think I saw I saw back theeeeere a hair brush
- Back theeere is my hair brush, back theeere is my hairbrush, where back there back there back thereee, where is my hairbrush ??
* Why do you need a hairbrush while you don't have any haiiiiiiiiiir ??
- No haiiiir for my hairbrush, No haiiiir for my hairbrush , no hair, no hair, no hair, no haiiiiiiiir , For my hairbrush
* The hairbrush of yours, well, you never used it, you don't really need it, so well, sorry I didn't know, but I gave it to the beech ..... Because he's got hairrrrr
- Not fair, Oh! My hairbrush, not fair, my poor hair brush, not faiiiiir not faiiiiir not faiiiiiiiiiiiiiir, my hairbrush
* Thanks for the hair brush
- Take caaaaaare of my hairbrush, take caaaaare of my hairbrush, take care take care take caaaaaaaaare of my hairbrush